Who Should Try Rent-to-Own Tires?
Tires |One of the greatest recurring expenses a vehicle owner faces in maintaining their car, truck, or off-road vehicle is that for tires and car rims. For premium tires and rims that will perform well and last, replacing all four can cost nearly a thousand dollars or even more. For specialty tires and rims, and off-road tires and rims, it can be even greater: off-road tires are defined by their outer diameter, and the larger the tire the greater the clearance for off-road climbing. But that’s a lot of rubber, and the more fun you have using that rubber the sooner you will need to replace it. Another thousand dollars down?
Cheap Tires
No one wants cheap tires of the kind that are sold by retread tire shops. But nearly everyone who owns and takes care of a vehicle of any kind, no matter what the vehicle is used for, wants tires cheap. Is there a better way?
Rent-to-Own Tires
Rent-to-own tires are just that: brand new, premium tires and rims that you can finance, in many cases same-as-cash, and own when they’re paid off. As with similar rental programs, regular payments are made for rent-to-own tires and rims. At the conclusion of the rental or lease agreement, the tires and rims are all yours.
Who Should Try Rent-to-Own Tires?
Rent to own tires are a great option for many. Drivers with off-road vehicles, for example, who need quality tires and rims in customized configurations but can’t or don’t wish to pay the overwhelming price for new tires and rims can get the perfect tires and pay for them in intervals. Drivers who need new tires for any kind of vehicle but need cash for other expenses can get their vehicle equipped with high quality tires that are safe and durable by choosing rent-to-own tires. Drivers who wish to finance but are struggling with a lower credit rating can be approved for rent-to-own tires with no credit check. In some cases, the same-as-cash financing will even help to build their credit scores. Drivers who want to protect their automotive investment for maximum safety and convenience and for good value during an eventual trade-in may be using too much of their funds for other maintenance. They can get high quality tires with little or no money down. Good, new tires improve gas mileage and other performance ratings, saving money in the long run. Cheap tires, as are found at retread dealers, and old, worn tires, are dangerous and costly. Many retread tires don’t even pass state vehicle inspections. Rent-to-own tires are a good solution for anyone who, for whatever reason, can’t or doesn’t wish to spend a thousand dollars or more putting safe, high-quality tires on their car, and who knows that when you buy cheap tires, you get what you pay for.
Save Money
Maintaining a car has never been inexpensive. But with gas prices always fluctuating and inspection regulations becoming more stringent every year, the cost of maintaining a vehicle in good working order and having it perform the way you wish it to can be significant and prohibitive. Keeping your vehicle’s tires in good working condition can prevent maintenance issues with other parts of your car, and saves money on gas. With rent-to-own tire programs offering instant approval, low down payments, and a broad range of maintenance, performance, and customization services, there’s no reason to turn to cheap tires. Get quality tires and rims, cheap, with a flexible and convenient rent-to-own program.